
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Euphoria | Season 2 Finale Part 2

The episode opens up with what happened to Fezco and why he didn't make it to the play. His friend was trying to incriminate him for a murder, luckily, he was tipped off by Faye. Faye has been living with Fez for a few weeks laying low. Thankfully her warning stopped Fez from spilling details about a murder; unfortunately, Ashtray is G and will not have a snitch in the house. Ashtray stabs him in the throat, killing him now the body of an informant is in the house. With blood on his suit, Fez is not in the right headspace to be watching a play. He's got bigger things to deal with. Fez and Lexi have feelings for each other, and their relationship is blossoming. 

As I mentioned in the previous post, Cassie is on the warpath. Lexi's play put a microscope on the lives of her friends and sister. Some could take this reflection and laugh while others lashed out in anger. Nate stormed out of the play, leaving Cassie causing her to become enraged. She decides to interrupt the play and berates Lexi. After Cassie attacks her counterpart in the play, Maddie decides enough is enough and rushes the stage. Maddie attacks Cassie chasing her through the halls of the school. 

We then see a flashback of a few days ago. Rue and Elliot reconcile their differences and agree to become friends again. However, Cassie momentarily ruined the play, but the actors and audience rally behind Lexi, wanting to see the end of her play. Meanwhile, back at casa de Fezco, Fez intends to take the wrap for the murder so that Ashtray can be spared prison time. Ashtray has another plan, though. He's loading up his guns, ready to have a shootout with the police. Ash locks himself in the bathroom with his arsenal. 

While this is going on, Nate is on his way to see his father. Nate loads his father's gun, ready to kill him until he sees his father has some company. Nate questions if his father is happier now that he can be himself and confesses he had reoccurring nightmares involving his father. Nate decides against killing his father instead turns him into the police. 

The police raid Fez's house as he pleads for Ashlray to surrender. But as I said in my previous post, Ash is a G and doesn't go down without a fight. Ash lays in the tub shooting at the cops as they return fire. After pretending to be dead, Ash catches a cop off guard before being ultimately shot. 

Back at the auditorium, the play resumes. Tragedy after tragedy, Lexi has had to endure having the burden placed on her to take care of those around her. Rue was able to reflect on herself deeper while watching her story unfold. This newfound outlook brings Rue and Lexi closer. It was nice to see Rue be genuinely happy for once. I'm not used to seeing her smile. Hopefully, she can keep it up. Things between Maddie and Cassie cooled down. Cassie sporting a bloody nose. Cassie tells Maddie Nate broke up with her; with Maddie replying, this is just the beginning. Maddie knows how Nate operates and knows he'll be back. The episode ends with Rue seemingly forgiving Jules for snitching on her, kissing her forehead before leaving the school. 

Season one of Euphoria ended Aug '19. I initially thought give it 8mons or so and the next season will be right there next Spring or Summer. Boy was I wrong the world shut down and the production of our favorite shows shut down along with it. Some shows were canceled while other shows went on hiatus. We didn't get season two until Jan '22. After such a long time I was worried the show would fall off, but from the very beginning, Euphoria hit the ground running. That first episode planted the seeds for so many plot lines that would develop throughout the rest of the season. 

If you haven't watched Euphoria I can't think of a reason that should be stopping. Euphoria is one of the best shows on television right now and I can't wait to see what's in store for us when season three comes around. 

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